Welcome to the Darwin Seafarers Centre

Our location is approx 150m from the ship berths at East Arm Wharf The Darwin Port Welfare Committee (DPWC) is a voluntary body dedicated to the provision of Services in the Port of Darwin, Northern Territory Australia, at the East Arm Port precinct, to all Seafarers visiting the Port.

Maritime Union Of Australia ITF Contacts

Office: (08) 89 843755
Andy Burford mobile: 0409 714 150
email: andy.burford@mua.org.au
Jason Murphy mobile: 0419 548 598
email: jandkmurphy@bigpond.com
email: muano@mua.org.au

Contact ITF

ITF Headquarters - London
49-60 Borough Rd, London, SE1 1DR
Ph: +44 (0) 20 7403 2733
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7357 7871
email: mail@itf.org.uk
website: www.itfseafarers.org

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Office: (08) 8947 3794
Fax: (08) 8947 3874
website: www.amsa.gov.au

Australia's Confidential Marine Reporting Scheme

Australia Wide Toll Free: 1800 020 505
Mail Address: No postage required
Reply Paid 600
The Manager CMRS
P.O. Box 600
Civic Square, ACT 2608
email: cmrs@atsb.gov.au

International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network

email: help@seafarerhelp.org
website: www.seafarerswelfare.org

Mission to Seafarers Darwin

Caring for seafarers around the world.

Office: +61 8 8981 9099
Mail: PO Box 490 Berrimah NT 0828
email: missiontsdarwin@gmail.com
website: www.mts.org.au

Giovani Maduro, Chaplain
Mobile: +61 467 847 916
Email: seafarers@darwin.catholic.org.au

Darwin Port Welfare Committee